

Paul Foster is a writer of essays, fiction, and screenplays. He received a degree in cinema & photography from Ithaca College and has worked in the film and television industries, as a copywriter and proofreader, and he has written and directed short films. Originally from New Hampshire, he has traveled widely in the United States, Canada, and Europe. In his youth, he may have spent too many hours reading the transcendentalists and wandering in old graveyards. Maybe not. He prefers cloudy days to sun, and postal mail to E.

A selection of his photography can be viewed HERE.



New Clothes
from Pencil Revolution, Issue 20

Letters to a Young Poet: An Addendum
from Revolver

Off to Nowhere
a commissioned short film script

A Christmas Idle
from The Bollard

“Yes, This is Ray. Bradbury.”
from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

The Eleventh Summer of Theo Loudermilk
from Paper Darts

Dear Click & Clack
as read on NPR’s Car Talk